Pine Fibre-Reinforced-Plastic (FRP) Outdoor Filter DL0942
FRP Point-of-Entry multi-medium outdoor water filtration system.
Automatic Engineered for simple, straight forward, fully automatic filtering, the hardy performa filter valve
Low cost simple and effective filtering
Manual A unique design which allow three different service position-in service, backwash and rinse. By simple push & pull lever.The head is manually operate PRODUCT CHARACTERISTIC
- Rust-Proof/ Corrosion Free
- Maximum working pressure: 150 Psi
- Various inlet/ outlet size: 3/4” , 11/2” & 2”
- Maximum operating temperature 1200F
- Manual or Automatic control valve
- Tanks and distributor system impervious to caustic, acid and DI water
- Manufacturer of Tank Liner, Riser and all distributor systems carry NSF and FDA approval
Model Dimension (") Flow Rate (L/Hr) 0935 9 x 35 900 - 1,100 1054 10 x 54 1,500 - 1,900 1354 13 x 54 2,100 - 2,500 1465 14 x 65 3,000 - 3,500 1665 16 x 65 4,200 - 4,600